Pitstop Motorcycles Ltd "FOR SALE"?
A couple of people have asked me is it true?
I thought I would let you know my view.
During my hospital stay I had time to think and "search my soul" I now know that I can't carry on working the way I have been for many more years.
I will have to sell up or change my way's drastically so that I can relax more and get back my hobby of Motorcycling, I have not fixed up/restored or created a bike for myself for the 23 years I have owned Pitstop.
I have never been on a rally or toured on a bike during this time either!
So it's about time I did, the only thing I need to figure out is how.
I have chatted to a few people about this so I guess that is how the rumour started.
So, It may be true if an offer comes in, or I may be changing Pitstop Motorcycles and the way we work or even the type of work, I don't know as yet.
Watch this space!