Turbo Kwack Special - At last the Turbo is on
After a lot of fitting/removing/fitting/removing I have finally got the turbo to sit in is final resting place, a 6mm thick flange spacer, double exhaust gaskets, a few tweaks rotating the turbo case and a few changes of fixing bolts/nuts enabled the pipework to fit without touching the frame, engine case or starter motor cover.
All oil pressure pipes are now fitted, the turbo oil drain pipe fitted well into the converted redundant kick start casing and the oil is in.
The 525 X-ring conversion chain is now on. The PMC hydraulic clutch conversion fitting was straight forward, just got to bleed it up tomorrow.
The carb fitting is next and the high flow "Pingle" petrol tap has arrived.
Dave Marsden should be dropping off the new wiring loom on Saturday so we hoping for some electrickery very soon!